5 - PROCEDURES95190-00356-00 Rev BVectors-To-Final Approach10. As you cross the FAF, the destnaton sequencesto the MAP (“RW22”, the runway threshold).Wth the needle centered, fly toward the MAP,observng the alttude mnmums dctated bythe approach plate. When vewng the mappage, you’ll note that the final course segments dsplayed n magenta (the actve leg of theflght plan always appears n magenta) anda dashed lne extends the course beyond theMAP.11. As you approach the MAP, a waypont alert(“ARRIVING WPT”) wll appear n the lowerrght corner. CDI scalng contnues to tghtenfrom 0.3 NM to 350 feet, full-scale deflec-ton.12. As you cross the MAP, “SUSP” wll appearabove the OBS key, ndcatng that automatcsequencng of approach wayponts wll besuspended at the MAP. A “from” ndcatonwll be dsplayed on the CDI and default NAVpage, but course gudance along the finalapproach course wll contnue. Do NOT followths extended course. Follow publshed mssedapproach procedures usng the OBS key tontate the mssed approach sequence.Vectors to FinalLet’s take a second look at the “VOR 22” approachinto Billard Municipal. Instead of following the DMEarc, ATC tells you to expect vectors onto the finalapproach course. There are several ways to select “vec-tors to final” with the 400W-series unit. The first twooptions below will normally require the least workloadto accomplish:• When the approach is first selected, choose “VEC-TORS” from the transitions window.• Load a full approach — including the IAF fromthe transitions window. When cleared, pressPROC and select “Activate Vectors-To-Final?”.• Load the full approach. Use the direct-to key (bypressing it twice) from the active flight plan pageto select the desired leg of the approach.To select “VECTORS” from the transitions window:1. Select Bllard Muncpal (KTOP) as your dest-naton, usng the direct-to key, or as the lastwaypont n a flght plan.2. Press the PROC key and select the “VOR 22”approach.3. From the transtons wndow, select “VEC-TORS”.