2 - NAV PAGES41190-00356-00 Rev BTerrain OperationRestoring Factory Settings“Restore Defaults?” resets all four user-selectabledata fields to their original factory default settings.To restore the factory default settings, pressMENU and turn the large right knob to highlight“Restore Defaults?”, then press ENT.Terrain OperationDuring power-up of the 400W Series unit, theterrain/obstacle database versions are displayed alongwith a disclaimer. At the same time, the Terrain systemself-test begins. A failure message is issued if the test fails.Garmin TERRAIN is a non-TSO-C151b-certifiedterrain awareness system provided as a standard featureof 400W-Series units to increase situational awarenessand help reduce controlled flight into terrain (CFIT).TAWS is an optional feature on 400W-Series units.Information on TAWS is provided in the 400W/500WSeries Optional Displays Addendum, p/n 190-00356-30.Operating CriteriaTERRAIN requires the following to operate properly:• The system must have a valid 3-D GPS positionsolution.• The system must have a valid terrain/obstacle/air-port terrain database.Terrain LimitationsTERRAIN displays terrain and obstructions relativeto the altitude of the aircraft. The displayed alerts areadvisory in nature only. Individual obstructions may beshown if available in the database. However, all obstruc-tions may not be available in the database and data maybe inaccurate. Never use this information for navigationor to maneuver to avoid obstacles.Terrain information is based on terrain elevationinformation in a database that may contain inaccuracies.Terrain information should be used as an aid to situationalawareness. Never use it for navigation or to maneuver toavoid terrain.TERRAIN uses terrain and obstacle informationsupplied by government sources. The data undergoesverification by Garmin to confirm accuracy of the content,per TSO-C151b. However, the displayed informationshould never be understood as being all-inclusive.