9 - AUX PAGES161190-00356-00 Rev BUtility PageFlight TimersTo view, use or reset the generic timer:1. Select “Flght Tmers” from the utlty page.2. The flashng cursor hghlghts “Start?”. To startthe generc tmer, press ENT. (You wll typcallybegn wth ths step for count up tmers. How-ever, for count down tmers, you may wsh toenter a count drecton and tme before startngthe tmer. )3. To change the count drecton, turn the largeright knob to hghlght count drecton field:“Down” or “Up”. Turn the small right knobto select the desred count drecton. Press ENTwhen finshed.4. For a count down tmer, turn the large rightknob to hghlght the tme field. Use the smalland large right knobs to enter the countdown tme—n hours, mnutes and seconds.Press ENT when finshed.5. To stop the generc tmer, turn the large rightknob to hghlght “Stop?” and press ENT.6. To reset the generc tmer, turn the large rightknob to hghlght the tme field. Press CLR,followed by ENT.To record or reset the departure time:1. Select “Flght Tmers” from the utlty page.2. Turn the large right knob to hghlght thereset mode field, under “Departure Tme”.(The reset mode field wll ndcate “Pwr-on”or “GS>30kt”.)3. Turn the small right knob to select the desredreset mode. (“Pwr-on” wll record a departuretme when the 400W-seres unt s turned on.“GS>30kt” wll record a departure tme oncethe GPS-computed ground speed exceeds 30knots.)4. Press ENT when finshed.5. To reset the departure tme, turn the largeright knob to hghlght “Reset?” and pressENT.To view, use or reset total trip time:1. Select “Flght Tmers” from the utlty page.2. Turn the large right knob to hghlght thereset mode feld, under “Total Trp Tme”.(The reset mode field wll ndcate “Pwr-on”or “GS>30kt”.)3. Turn the small right knob to select the desredreset mode. (“Pwr-on” wll record trp tme, nhours/mnutes/seconds, any tme the 400W-seres unt s turned on. “GS>30kt” wll recordtrp tme any tme the GPS-computed groundspeed exceeds 30 knots.)4. Press ENT when finshed.