4 - FLIGHT PLANS72 190-00356-00 Rev BFlight Plan Catalog Options2. A confrmaton wndow wll appear. Wth“Yes?” hghlghted, press ENT.Sort List By Number?/Sort List by Comment?Sort List By Number?/Sort List by Comment?The sorting function allows you to select between aflight plan catalog sorted numerically by the flight plannumber or sorted alphanumerically based upon thecomment assigned to each flight plan. When eitheroption is selected, the other option will appear on theflight plan catalog options window.To sort the catalog listing by number or comment:1. Select the “Sort Lst By Number?” or “Sort LstBy Comment?” opton (whchever s currentlydsplayed) from the flght plan catalog optonsand press ENT.Active Flight Plan PageThe active flight plan page provides informationand editing functions for “flight plan 00”— the flightplan currently in use for navigation. Once you haveactivated a flight plan, the active flight plan page willshow each waypoint for the flight plan, along with thedesired track (DTK) and distance (DIS) for each leg.The data fields for DTK and DIS are user-selectableand may be changed to display cumulative distance(CUM) to each waypoint, estimated time of arrival(ETA), estimated time en route (ETE) or en route safealtitude (ESA).To change a data field on the active flight planpage:1. Wth the actve flght plan page dsplayed, pressMENU to dsplay the actve flght plan pageoptons wndow.2. Turn the large right knob to hghlght“Change Felds?” and press ENT.3. Turn the large right knob to hghlght the fieldyou wsh to change.4. Turn the small right knob to select the desreddata tem and press ENT.