9 - AUX PAGES153190-00356-00 Rev BFlight PlanningNOTE: Fuel planning ifgures can be enteredand displayed based upon one of three possibleconifgurations:1) No fuel sensors connected—In this instancefuel flow is manually entered and is used tocalculate fuel on board. When fuel flow or fuelon board is manually entered, the ifgures areretained the next time you view the page (withfuel on board continuously recalculated).2) Fuel flow sensor installed, but no fuel on boardsensor—Fuel on board is manually entered. Fuelflow is automatically provided by sensor. If fuelflow is manually entered (to override the sen-sor), it will not affect the FOB ifgure and is notretained the next time you view the page.3) Fuel flow and fuel on board sensors in-stalled—Fuel flow and fuel on board areautomatically provided by sensors. Fuel on boardcan NOT be entered manually. Fuel flow can beentered manually, but will not affect the FOBifgure and is not retained the next time you viewthe page.Trip PlanningTo perform trip planning operations:1. Select “Trp Plannng” from the flght plannngpage.2. The current trp plannng “leg mode” s ds-played at the top of the page: “POINT TOPOINT” or “FPL LEG” (for a flght plan leg). Tochange the leg mode, press MENU to dsplayan optons wndow for the other leg mode, thenpress ENT to accept the other leg mode.3a. For pont-to-pont trp plannng, turn the smalland large right knobs to enter the dentfierof the “from” waypont. Once the waypont’sdentfier s entered, press ENT to accept thewaypont. The flashng cursor moves to the“to” waypont. Agan, turn the small andlarge right knobs to enter the dentfier ofthe “to” waypont and press ENT to acceptthe waypont.OR,3b. For “flght plan leg” trp plannng, turn thesmall right knob to select the desred flghtplan (already stored n memory), by number.Turn the large right knob to hghlght the“LEG” field and turn the small right knob toselect the desred leg of the flght plan, or select“Cum” to apply trp plannng calculatons tothe entre flght plan.