8 - VLOC RECEIVER145190-00356-00 Rev BIdent, Volume and TuningSection 8VLOC (VOR/Localizer/Glideslope)Receiver OperationsThe GNS 430W includes digitally-tuned VOR/localizer and glideslope receiv-ers with the desired frequency selected ona VLOC window, along the left-hand sideof the display. Frequency selection is performed bypressing the small left knob and turning the smalland large left knobs to select the desired frequency.Ident Audio and VolumeVLOC ident is enabled by pressing theVLOC volume knob. When VLOC identis enabled, an “ID” indication appearsin the upper right corner of the VLOCwindow — to the immediate right of “VLOC”.j Push for ident audio. Turn toadjust audio volume.VLOC audio volume is adjusted using the VLOCvolume knob. Turn the VLOC volume knob clock-wise to increase volume, or counterclockwise todecrease volume.VLOC Window and TuningVLOC frequencies are selected with the tuningcursor in the standby VLOC frequency field, and usingthe small and large left knobs to dial in the desiredfrequency. The standby frequency always appearsbelow the active frequency. The active frequency is thefrequency currently in use.Turn to adjust the MHz value (theportion before the decimal point)of the standby VLOC frequency.v Push to toggle the tuning cursor(small left knob) between COMand VLOC windows. Turn to adjustthe kHz value (the portion afterthe decimal point) of standbyVLOC frequency.yThe tuning cursor will remain in the COM window.If you wish to select a VOR/localizer/ILS frequency,press the small left knob momentarily to place thecursor in the VLOC window.NOTE: The tuning cursor will normally appearin the COM window, unless placed in the VLOCwindow by pressing the small left knob. Whenthe tuning cursor is in the VLOC window, it willautomatically return to the COM window after 30seconds of inactivity.GNS 430W Only