6 - WPT PAGES118 190-00356-00 Rev BAirport FrequenciesThe following descriptions and abbreviations areused on the airport runway page:FrequencyAirport Identifier,Symbol and TypeFrequency TypeThird Pagein WPT groupScroll BarUsage RestrictionsInformation• Type— Usage type: Public, Military, Heli-port, or Private• Surface— Runway surface types include: Hard,Turf, Sealed, Gravel, Dirt, Soft,Unknown or Water• Lighting— Runway lighting types include:No Lights, Part Time, Full Time,Unknown or Frequency (for pilot-controlled lighting)Airport Runway Page OptionsSelect Next FPL Apt?As described earlier in this section.Select Destination Apt?As described earlier in this section.Airport Frequency PageThe airport frequency page displays radio frequen-cies and frequency types for the selected airport, aswell as sector and altitude restrictions (where appli-cable). If the selected airport has a localizer-basedapproach, the localizer frequency(s) is also listed onthe airport frequency page. The airport frequency pagemay be used to quickly select and tune a COM orVLOC frequency.To scroll through the frequency list and tune to adesired frequency on the list:1. Press the small right knob to actvate thecursor.2. Turn the large right knob to scroll through thelst, placng the cursor on the desred frequency.If there are more frequences n the lst than canbe dsplayed on the screen, a scroll bar alongthe rght-hand sde of the screen wll ndcatewhere you are wthn the lst.3. Press ENT to place the selected frequencyn the standby feld of the COM or VLOCwndow.