4 - FLIGHT PLANS74 190-00356-00 Rev BActive Flight Plan OptionsDelete Flight PlanDelete Flight Plan? allows you to remove allwaypoints from the selected flight plan. Deleting aflight plan does not delete the waypoints containedin the flight plan from the database or user waypointmemory. This feature is described earlier in this sec-tion.1. Wth the Actve Flght Plan Page dsplayed,press MENU to dsplay the Actve Flght PlanPage Optons wndow.2. Turn the large right knob to hghlght “DeleteFlght Plan?” and press ENT.3. A wndow wll appear wth the message“Delete all flght plans?”. Turn the large rightknob to hghlght “Yes” or “No”. Press ENT.Select ApproachSelect Approach? allows you to select a publishedinstrument approach for the destination airport, orreplace the current approach with a new selection. Inmany cases, you’ll find it more convenient to selectapproaches using the PROC key— as described inSection 5 - Procedures.To select an approach for a direct-to or flight plandestination airport:1. Press MENU and choose the “SelectApproach?” opton from the actve flght planpage optons wth the large right knob andpress ENT.2. A wndow wll appear lstng the avalableapproaches for your destnaton arport. Turnthe small right knob to hghlght the desredapproach and press ENT.3. A second wndow wll appear lstng avalabletranstons for the approach. Turn the smallright knob to hghlght the desred trans-ton waypont and press ENT. (The “Vectors”opton assumes you wll receve vectors to thefinal course segment of the approach and wllprovde navgaton gudance to ntercept thsfinal course.)4. Turn the large right knob to hghlght “Load?”or “Actvate?” and press ENT. “Load?” wlladd the approach to the flght plan wthoutmmedately usng the approach for navgatongudance. Ths allows you to contnue navgat-