7 - NRST PAGES138 190-00356-00 Rev BNearest ARTCC4. Press ENT to place the selected frequency nthe standby field of the VLOC wndow.5. Press the VLOC flip-flop key to actvate theselected frequency.6. Press the small right knob to remove theflashng cursor.To view additional information for a nearby VOR:1. Select the nearest VOR page.2. Press the small right knob to actvate thecursor.3. Turn the large right knob to scroll throughthe lst, hghlghtng the dentfier of the desredVOR.4. Press ENT to dsplay the VOR page for theselected VOR.5. To return to the nearest VOR page, verfy that“Done?” s hghlghted by the flashng cursorand press ENT (or press CLR).6. Press the small right knob to remove theflashng cursor.Nearest User Waypoint PageThe nearest user waypoint page displays the name,bearing and distance to the 25 nearest user waypoints(within 200 nautical miles of your present position).Nearest Center (ARTCC) PageThe nearest center page displays the facility name,bearing to and distance to the five nearest ARTCCpoints of communication (within 200 nautical milesof your present position). For each ARTCC listed, thenearest center page also indicates the frequency(s) andmay be used to quickly tune the COM transceiver tothe center’s frequency. The selected frequency is placedin the standby field of the COM window and activatedusing the COM flip-flop key.ARTCC NameSixth Pagein NRST groupFrequency(s)Bearing To andDistance To