Chapter 5 PC Faxing 5-5PC Faxingl To close the dialog box without sending the fax, canceling thespecified fax options, click Cancel.Specifying a Fax RecipientTo send a fax, you must insert the required recipient information in theSend Fax dialog box. The required information is your recipient’s firstand last name and your recipient’s fax number or e-mail address.You can insert the required information into the Send Fax dialog box byusing one of three methods: you can specify a onetime fax recipient,select entries from your address book, or both. The procedures for addinga onetime recipient and selecting entries from your Address Book aredescribed in the following sections.Specifying a Onetime RecipientA onetime recipient is specified by entering the name and fax number ore-mail address in the First Name, Last Name, Fax, and E-mail Addressboxes.Entering a Fax NumberIn the Fax box, when you enter a fax number, use the actual numbers plusany valid characters that separate the different segments of the faxnumber. For example, you can use 0 through 9, dash (-), or parentheses ().For a complete list of the characters that are valid in the DesktopManager, refer to Appendix A.Entering an E-mail AddressIf you enter an e-mail address instead of a fax number, you cannot holdthe e-mail or schedule it for sending later.