8-28 MultiPASS Printer Setup and Other Utilities in the Desktop Manager Chapter 8o Receiving FaxThis status indicates the MultiPASS printer is receiving a faxdocument. The Status Monitor window displays the fax number orname of the sender (if available), and the number of the pagecurrently being received.o Attention NeededThis status indicates the MultiPASS printer needs your attention forsituations, such as the MultiPASS printer being out of paper. TheStatus Monitor window describes the nature of the attentionrequired.When you have corrected the situation, the status messageautomatically clears.o Error WarningThis status indicates the MultiPASS printer has a problem that needsyour more immediate attention, such as when the Status Monitor canno longer detect the MultiPASS printer. The Status Monitor windowdisplays the nature of the problem, with a comment indicating acorrective action.When you have corrected the situation, the status messageautomatically clears.Disconnecting the MultiPASS PrinterYou can disconnect the MultiPASS printer if you want to use the parallelport for another purpose. The MultiPASS Service (MPService)automatically detects if a different device is connected to the port, andstops any communication between the MultiPASS printer and DesktopManager. Later, when you reconnect the MultiPASS printer, you mustrestart the communication between the MultiPASS printer and DesktopManager.To disconnect the MultiPASS printer:1. Turn off your computer.2. Unplug your computer from all electrical sources.