Chapter 5 PC Faxing 5-63PC Faxing3. In the Remove Scanner Noise dialog box, select Vertical or Horizontalaccording to the direction of the streaks or bands.4. Drag the Width slider according to the width of the noise. The sliderranges from 2 pixels (far left) to 20 pixels (far right).5. Drag the Detail slider according to the brightness of the noise. Movethe slider to the left for darker noise, to the right for brighter noise.6. Drag the Removal slider to the left to remove less noise, to the rightto remove more noise.As you drag the Removal slider, your changes appear in the Currentthumbnail. You can compare the changes to the Original thumbnail.You can also use the zoom buttons to magnify the thumbnails.7. Click OK to accept your changes. Click Cancel to leave the coverpage unchanged.Adding Annotations to Your Cover PageThe following sections describe additional ways in which you canannotate your cover page.Adding a Sticky-NoteRather than add text directly to a cover page, as you do with the Texttool, you can add a sticky-note on any portion of your cover page as agraphic element.When you add a sticky-note, you can select the text attributes: font, fontsize and color, background color, and special effects (underline,strikeout).You can type any text that you want for the sticky-note, editing the notelater if necessary. If you select a font, font size, a color, or special effect, itaffects the entire note. If you change any of the attributes while editing anote, or while the note is selected, it changes all the text in the note.