Chapter 7 Working with Documents in the Desktop Manager 7-15Working withDocuments in theDesktop Managero Drag a document on top of another document. The document thatyou dragged is merged with the document that you dropped it into.o Select two or more documents that you want to merge (hold downthe Control key while selecting the documents). Then click Merge onthe Edit menu or toolbar.Indexing and Searching for DocumentsThe Desktop Manager stores key information about each document itreceives in an internal document management database. This databaseenables you to locate documents based on certain search criteria.The Desktop Manager enables you to search for documents:o Automatically by date and time.o By document text and the text contained within the document if youenabled the Automatic Indexing option in the System Setup dialogbox. (For details, refer to the “Setting Up System Options” section ofchapter 8, “MultiPASS Printer Setup and Other Utilities in theDesktop Manager.”)o By creator, owner, or keyword for a document, if you first define thecriteria and assign it to the desired documents.Based on the search criteria you want to use, follow these generalguidelines for searching your documents.If you want to search documents by date and time, and text:Simply run the document search, specifying the search criteria. You donot need to define a search index for your documents first. For detailsabout running the search, see the “Searching Your Documents” sectionlater in this chapter.If you want to search documents by creator, owner, or keyword:1. In the Desktop Manager, set up the search index by defining thedocument creator, owner, and/or keyword. For details, see the“Setting Up the Search Index” section later in this chapter.