6-2 Scanning Chapter 6Scanning OverviewYou can use the MultiPASS printer to scan documents from the DesktopManager, or from any TWAIN-compliant Windows application.When you scan a document in the Desktop Manager, the ScanGearwindow displays, allowing you to set certain scanning options andconditions. This chapter provides instructions on setting scan optionsusing the ScanGear window.When you scan a document in a Windows application, the applicationmay or may not display the ScanGear window. If the ScanGear windowis not displayed, refer to the documentation for the Windows applicationyou are working in for instructions on setting scan options.Typically, when you scan a document using the ScanGear window, youfirst scan a preview of the document. The preview image enables you toreview the results of your scanned document and make any necessaryadjustments (for example, to size, tone, and so on). When you aresatisfied with the results, you then perform the final scan of thedocument. The system then places the final image into the DesktopManager or your Windows application.Features of the ScanGear WindowThe section provides an overview of the basics of the ScanGear window.Detailed instructions for using the various commands and components ofthe window are provided in later sections of this chapter.