August 20072-711WorkCentre 5687 Family 20-342, 20-701Status Indicator RAPs20-342 Fax File Integrity Fault RAP20-342 An error has occur when accessing the file on a non-volatile device.Initial ActionsMake a backup of the phone book and the customer settings, using the NVM save and restoretool on the PWS. Refer to Portable Work Station and Tools, GP 5.ProcedureSwitch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. The fault still occurs.Y NGo to SCP 6 and complete the final actions.Check that the correct size of compact flash memory is installed:• 32Mb for one line.• 256Mb for two lines.The correct value of compact flash memory is installed.Y NInstall the correct value of compact flash memory, PL 20.10 Item 3.Clear the fax card NVM. Go to dC132 NVM Initialization. Select Embedded Fax NVM initialisa-tion. Perform the routine, Reformat. The fault is cleared.Y NReload the software, GP 4.Go to SCP 6 and complete the final actions.20-701 Fax Phone Book Download Failed RAP20-701 The fax phone book down load failed.Initial ActionsCheck that the embedded fax PWB is correctly grounded. Ensure that the grounding strip, PL20.10 Item 7 is securely attached to the bracket of the embedded fax PWB.Make a backup of the phone book and the customer settings, using the NVM save and restoretool on the PWS. Refer to Portable Work Station and Tools, GP 5.ProcedureSwitch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. The fault still occurs.Y NGo to SCP 6 and complete the final actions.Retry to download the fax phone book. The phone book down loads.Y NCheck the connection between the embedded fax PWB PL 20.10 Item 4 and the riserPWB PL 3.11 Item 6, GP 7. The connections are good.Y NInstall new parts as necessary:• Riser PWB, (32-55 ppm) PL 3.15 Item 3 or (65-87 ppm) PL 3.11 Item 6.• Embedded fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 4.The fault still occurs.Y NGo to SCP 6 and complete the final actions.Install a new compact flash memory, PL 20.10 Item 3. The fault still occurs.Y NGo to SCP 6 and complete the final actions.Reload the software, GP 4.Go to SCP 6 and complete the final actions.