August 20072-319WorkCentre 5687 Family 11-364-110Status Indicator RAPs11-364-110 Stapling Failure RAP11-364-110 Staples in the stapling head are not primed.WARNINGTake care not to topple the LCSS.The LCSS is unstable when un-docked from the machine.Do not show the customer how to un-dock the LCSS.Initial Actions• Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.• Check the 2K LCSS PWB DIP switch settings, refer to 11F-110 2K LCSS PWB DIPSwitch Settings RAP.• Check the following:– The staple cartridge has staples in it and is correctly installed,– The leading staples in the staple head have been primed, Figure 2.– Check that the sheets of staples in the cartridge are feeding one at a time. If staplesheets overlap, they will jam in the cartridge. If necessary, install a new staple car-tridge, PL 26.10 Item 11.NOTE: The term “priming” refers to 2 staples at the front of the cartridge, that have been pre-formed automatically by the action of the stapler, refer to Figure 2.NOTE: The SH 1 low staples sensor, SH 1 cartridge sensor, SH 1 home sensor and the SH 1priming sensor are all integral to the staple head unit. These sensors can be checked usingcomponent control codes but they cannot be exchanged as components.ProcedureNOTE: In diagnostics, actuating any 2K LCSS sensor or switch can change the displayed stateon the UI. Make sure that the correct sensor or switch is tested.Figure 1. Enter dC330, code 11-361, actuate the SH 1 paper sensor, Q11-361. The displaychanges.Y NGo to Flag 1 and check Q11-361.Refer to:• 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.• GP 11, How to Check a Sensor.• P/J308, 2K LCSS PWB.• 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.Repair or install new components as necessary:• SH 1 paper sensor, PL 11.20 Item 4.• 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.NOTE: If the SH1 priming sensor does not see staples in the primed position, the staple headcycles a number of times to prime the staple head. This occurs when the 2K LCSS interlocksare made.Follow the customer instruction label inside the 2K LCSS front door to remove the staple car-tridge, slide out the top sheet of staples from the cartridge, to expose a fresh sheet of stapleson the top of the stack. Ensure the forming plate is fully closed, Figure 2. Install the staple car-tridge and close the door. The stapler will now cycle a few times to feed and prime the newsheet of staples. Open the door and remove the staple cartridge. Examine the sheet of staplesthat have been fed to the staple forming part of the stapler, by opening the forming plate, Fig-ure 3. The first two staples have been partially formed.Y NInstall a new staple cartridge, PL 26.10 Item 11and repeat the check. If the first two sta-ples are not partially formed, install a new staple head unit, PL 11.20 Item 5. Perform SCP6 Final ActionsInstall a new staple head unit, PL 11.20 Item 5. Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.Figure 1 Component locationStaple head unitSH 1 papersensor Q11-361AA