User Manual UMN:CLIV8102875Command Mode Descriptionpolicy <1-100> 1-100: anomaly rate (unit: integer percentage)buffer-over-underrun-clear-policy <0-99>Defines the anomaly rate that causes the correspond-ing alarm to be cleared. If no more than this density ofanomalies occurs during the alarm clear soak interval,the alarm is cleared.buffer-over-underrun: buffer overrun/underrunloss-packet: loss packetmalformed-packet: malformed packetmisconnect-packet: misconnect packet1-99: anomaly rate (unit: integer percentage)loss-packet-clear-policy <0-99>malformed-packet-clear-policy<0-99>misconnect-packet-clear-policy<0-99>To delete the configured anomaly rate, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptionno buffer-over-underrun-declaration-policyPW-Maintenance-ProfileDeletes the configured anomaly ratethat causes the corresponding alarmto be declared or loss-packet-declaration-policyno malformed-packet-declaration-policyno misconnect-packet-declaration-policyno buffer-over-underrun-clear-policyno loss-packet-clear-policyno malformed-packet-clear-policyno misconnect-packet-clear-policy13.9.6 L-bit/R-bit Receive/Transmit PolicyTo configure the L-bit receive policy, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptionl-bit-receive-policy {play-out |repeat-last-packet | send-idle}PW-Maintenance-ProfileDefines the action toward the TDM interface when farend TDM failure is indicated on packets received fromthe PSN (L-bit set).play-out: Play out service-specific AIS (default)repeat-last-packet: Repeat last received packetsend-idle: Send channel idle signalling and idle chan-nel payload to all DS0s comprising the serviceno l-bit-receive-policy Deletes the configured L-bit receive policy.To configure the R-bit transmit set policy, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptionr-bit-transmit-set-policy VALUEPW-Maintenance-ProfileDefines the number of consecutive lost packets thatcauses the transmitted R-bit to be set in the TDM toPSN direction, indicating lost packets to the far end.VALUE: number of consecutive lost packets