User Manual UMN:CLIV81024639.11.2 CPU Flood GuardCPU flood guard controls the number of broadcast and multicast packets per second,which is coming to CPU to prevent CPU overload. If the number of those packets ex-ceeds the threshold, the system generates an SNMP trap.To enable/disable the CPU flood guard, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptioncpu-flood-guard {enable | disa-ble} Global Enables/disables the CPU flood guard.To specify the number of broadcast and multicast packets per second, which is coming toCPU, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptioncpu-flood-guard <1-6000> Interface[XE/GE/GPON/CG]Specifies the number of broadcast and mul-ticast packets toward CPU per second.1-6000: the number of packets per secondno cpu-flood-guard Deletes a specified number of packets.You can also enable the blocking option. When the blocking option for CPU flood guard isrunning, if the number of incoming broadcast and multicast packets per second exceedsa configured value, the port will discard those packets during a specified time.To enable the blocking option, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptioncpu-flood-guard timer <10-3600> Interface[XE/GE/GPON/CG]Enables the blocking option.10-3600: blocking time (unit: second)cpu-flood-guard unblock Forces the state of a blocked port to change to NOR-MAL.To display the configured CPU flood guard, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptionshow cpu-flood-guard EnableGlobal Shows the configured CPU flood guard.9.11.3 System Flood GuardA packet flooding occurs unexpectedly when a large number of broadcast or multicastpackets are received on a port, which may cause unnecessary network congestion. TheV8102 provides the system flood guard function that controls traffic for a port by giventhreshold. If the number of incoming packets exceeds the threshold, the system gener-ates a syslog message/SNMP trap or discards those packets.