UMN:CLI User ManualV81024509.8.2.4 Displaying GVRPTo display the configured GVRP or GVRP statistics, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptionshow gvrp [VLANS]EnableGlobalShows the status of all configurations related to gvrp configuration PORTS Show the configurations of GVRP for the gvrp statistics PORTS Shows the collected GVRP statistics for the port.To clear GVRP statistics, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptionclear gvrp statistics [PORTS |all] Global Deletes the collected GVRP statistics9.8.3 GARP Multicast Registration Protocol (GMRP)GARP Multicast Registration Protocol (GMRP) is a Generic Attribute Registration Protocol(GARP) application that provides a constrained multicast flooding facility similar to IGMPsnooping. Enabling GMRPTo enable/disable GMRP on the switch, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptiongmrp enableGlobalEnables GMRP globallygmrp disable Disables GMRP globallyTo enable/disable GMRP on specific port, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptiongmrp port add PORTSGlobalEnables GMRP on portgmrp port del PORTS Disables GMRP on port9.8.3.2 GMRP Forward-All OptionIf you enable the GMRP forward-all option on a port, a copy of all multicast traffic regis-tered on the switch is forwarded to that port.To enable/disable the GMRP multicast packet forwarding to a specific port, use the follow-ing command.Command Mode Descriptiongmrp fwdall enable PORTS Global Enables a copy of all multicast packet forwarding to aspecific port.