UMN:CLI User ManualV8102384PVSTP is activated after selecting PVSTP mode using spanning-tree mode rapid-pvstcommand. In PVSTP, you can configure the current VLAN only. If you input VLAN thatdoes not exist, error message is displayed.For the switches in LAN where dual path does not exist, Loop does not generate eventhough STP function is not configured.To disable a configured PVSTP, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptionno spanning-tree vlan VLANS Global Disables PVSTP in VLAN.VLANS: VLAN ID (1-4094) Root SwitchTo establish PVSTP function, a root switch should be chosen first. Each switch has itsown bridge ID, and one of the switchs on same LAN is chosen as a root switch by com-paring with their bridge IDs. A bridge ID, consisting of the switch priority and the switchMAC address, is associated with each instance. However, you can configure the priorityand make it more likely that the switch will be chosen as the root switch. The switch hav-ing the lowest priority becomes the root switch for that VLAN.To configure the switch priority for a VLAN, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptionspanning-tree vlan VLANS prior-ity <0-61440> GlobalConfigures a priority for specified VLAN.VLANS: VLAN ID (1-4094)0-61440: priority value in increments of 4096 (default:32768)no spanning-tree vlan VLANSpriority Deletes a configured priority for specified VLAN. Path-costAfter deciding Root switch, you need to decide to which route you will forward the packet.To do this, the standard is path-cost. Generally, path-cost depends on transmission speedof LAN interface in switch. In case the route is overload based on Path-cost, it is better totake another route.By considering the situation, the user can configure Path-cost of Root port in order to des-ignate the route on ones own.To configure the path-cost value for specified vlan in PVSTP, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptionspanning-tree vlan VLANS cost<1-200000000> Interface[XE/GE]Configures path-cost to configure routeon user’s own.VLANS: VLAN ID (1-4094)no spanning-tree vlan VLANS port PORTS cost Deleted a configured path-cost.