UMN:CLI User ManualV810258011.3.4 Bootstrap RouterThe bootstrap router (BSR) mechanism is one way that a multicast router can learn theset of group-to-RP mappings required in order to function.All multicast routers in PIM-SM domain can be potentially the bootstrap router (BSR);they are all considered as candidate BSRs. To elect the BSR among the candidate BSRs,each candidate BSR floods the bootstrap messages with its information to the domain.When receiving the bootstrap messages, the candidate BSRs examine the messages,and then the one with the highest priority is elected as the BSR. If more than one candi-date with the same highest priority, the one with the higher IP address is elected.The elected BSR is responsible to periodically send out bootstrap messages including theRP-set, allowing all the routers in the PIM-SM domain determine which router is the RPthat covers given multicast groups. Interface for Candidate BSRTo configure an interface to the candidate BSR, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptionipv6 pim bsr-candidateIFNAMEGlobalConfigures an interface to the candidate BSR.IFNAME: interface name0-128: hash mask length for RP selection0-255: priority for candidate BSRipv6 pim bsr-candidateIFNAME <0-128>ipv6 pim bsr-candidateIFNAME <0-128> <0-255>no ipv6 pim bsr-candidateIFNAMEConfigures an interface not to the candidate BSR. Clearing RP-SetThe BSR periodically distributes the bootstrap message that includes a set of the infor-mation received from each candidate RP (RP-set) to all the routers in the PIM-SM domain.You can also clear all RP-set to reset.To clear all RP-set, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptionclear ipv6 pim sparse-mode bsrrp-set *EnableGlobal Clears all RP-set. Displaying BSR ConfigurationTo display the BSR information, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptionshow ipv6 pim bsr-router EnableGlobal Shows the BSR information.