User Manual UMN:CLIV8102147Command Mode Descriptionshow snmp contactEnableGlobalShows the name of the snmp location Shows the location of the SNMP snmp agent-address Shows the IP address of the SNMP agent.7.1.5 SNMP Com2secSNMP v2 authorizes the host to access the agent according to the identity of the host andcommunity name. The com2sec command specifies the mapping from the identity of thehost and community name to security name.To configure an SNMP security name, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptionsnmp com2sec COM2SEC{A.B.C.D | A.B.C.D/M} COMMU-NITYGlobalSpecifies the mapping from the identity of the host andcommunity name to security name, enter security andcommunity name.COM2SEC: com2sec nameCOMMUNITY: community namesnmp com2sec COM2SEC ipv6{X:X::X:X | X:X::X:X/M} COMMU-NITYno snmp com2sec COM2SECDeletes a specified security name, enter the securityname.COM2SEC: security nameshow snmp com2sec EnableGlobal Shows a specified security name.The following is an example of configuring SNMP com2sec.SWITCH(config)# snmp com2sec TEST PUBLICSWITCH(config)# show snmp com2secCom2Sec ListSecName Source Community------------------------------------------------TEST PUBLICSWITCH(config)#7.1.6 SNMP GroupYou can create an SNMP group that can access SNMP agent and its community that be-longs to a group.To create an SNMP group, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptionsnmp group GROUP {v1 | v2c |v3} SECURITY GlobalCreates SNMP group, enter the group name.GROUP: group nameSECURITY: security name