UMN:CLI User ManualV8102102To disable an assigned IPv6 link-local address, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptionno ipv6 address link-localInterface[MGMT/VLAN/LO]Clears a link-local address assigned to an interface. Static Route and Default GatewayThe static route is a predefined route to a specific network and/or device such as a host.Packets are transmitted to destination through static route. Static route includes destina-tion address, neighbor router to receive packet, number of routes that packets have to gothrough. To configure a static route, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptionipv6 route X:X::X:X/M {GATEWAY| INTERFACE} [<1-255>]GlobalConfigures a static route.X:X::X:X/M: destination IPv6 prefixGATEWAY: IPv6 gateway addressINTERFACE: IPv6 gateway interface name or pseudointerface null1-255: distance value for this prefix0-1023: tunnel interface numberipv6 route X:X::X:X/M INTER-FACE [<1-255>]ipv6 route X:X::X:X/M tunnel <0-1023>To delete a configured static route, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptionno ipv6 route X:X::X:X/M[{GATEWAY | INTERFACE}] Global Deletes a configured static ipv6 route X:X::X:X/M GATE-WAY INTERFACEThe following is an example of configuring a static route to reach three destinations,which are not directly connected.SWITCH(config)# ipv6 route 4000::/16 br101SWITCH(config)# ipv6 route 3000:3::/64 br103SWITCH(config)# ipv6 route 3000:2::/64 br102To display a configured static route, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptionshow ipv6 route [bgp | connect-ed | fib kernel | ospf | pbr | rip|static | X:X::X:X | X:X::X:X/M |summary]EnableGlobalShows configured routing ipv6 route database [bgp |connected | kernel | ospf | rip |Shows configured routing information with IP routingtable database.