UMN:CLI User ManualV81021967.7.11 Ethernet Alarm Indication Signal (ETH-AIS)ITU-T Y.1731 supports fault notification through Alarm Indication Signal (AIS). EthernetAIS is used to suppress alarms following detection of defect conditions at the server layer.ETH-AIS implementation of the V8102 has the following restriction, so you should keep inmind that before configuring ETH-AIS.• ETH-AIS function can not be enabled with STP. When STP is already enabled in thesystem, ETH-AIS function can not be enabled. Enabling ETH-AIS FunctionTo enable/disable ETH-AIS function, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptionethernet oam ais enable megNAME [mepid <1-8191>]GlobalEnables ETH-AIS function.NAME: MEG’s nameethernet oam ais disable megNAME [mepid <1-8191>] Disables ETH-AIS functionETH-AIS function can not be used within STP environments. ETH-AIS can be enabledwhen STP is disabled in the system.To enable/disable a transmission of frame with ETH-AIS information on a MEP, use thefollowing command.Command Mode Descriptionethernet oam ais transmit ena-ble meg NAME [mepid <1-8191>] GlobalEnables ETH-AIS frame transmission on a MEP.NAME: MEG’s nameethernet oam ais transmit disa-ble meg NAME [mepid <1-8191>] Disables ETH-AIS frame transmission on a MEP.To enable/disable Unicast AIS frame transmission from the configured MEPs, use the fol-lowing command.Command Mode Descriptionethernet oam ais unicast enablemeg NAME mepid <1-8191>rmac MACADDR GlobalEnables Unicast AIS frame transmission from theMEPs.ethernet oam ais unicast disablemeg NAME mepid <1-8191>[rmac MACADDR]Disables Unicast AIS frame transmission from theMEPs.!ii