UMN:CLI User ManualV8102672For efficient transmission of routing information, and to avoid non-matching between met-ric and OSPF routing protocol, use the default metric command to assign metric aboutredistribute route.To configure the default metric, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptiondefault-metric <0-16777214> Router Configures the default metric.To delete the default metric, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptionno default-metric [<0-16777214>] Router Deletes the default metric.12.2.14 OSPF DistanceAn administrative distance is a rating of the trustworthiness of a routing informationsource, such as an individual router or a group of routers. Numerically, an administrativedistance is an integer between 0 and 255. In general, the higher the value is, the lowerthe trust rating is. An administrative distance of 255 means the routing information sourcecannot be trusted at all and should be ignored.OSPF uses three different administrative distances: intra-area, inter-area, and external.Routes learned through other domain are external, routes to another area in OSPF do-main are inter-area, and routes inside an area are intra-area. The default distance foreach type of route is 110. In order to change any of the OSPF distance values, use thefollowing commands.The following is explaining 3 options of command.• external <1-255>• inter-area <1-255>• intra-area <1-255>To configure the distance with 1 option, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptiondistance <1-255>Router Configures the distance of OSPF route.(default: 110)distance ospf external <1-255>distance ospf inter-area <1-255>distance ospf intra-area <1-255>The following example shows how to configure the distance with more than 2 options:• distance ospf external <1-255> inter-area <1-255>• distance ospf inter-area <1-255> intra-area <1-255>