UMN:CLI User ManualV8102124To display the configured threshold of fan operation, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptionshow status fan Enable/Global Shows the status and configured threshold offan operation. System TemperatureTo set the threshold of system temperature, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptionthreshold temp HIGH_VALUELOW_VALUEGlobalSets the threshold of system temperature(°C).HIGH_VALUE: overload system temperature (-40 to100°C)LOW_VALUE: underload system temperature (-40 to100°C)threshold temp iu NUMBERHIGH_VALUE LOW_VALUESets the threshold of IU temperature(°C).NUMBER : a slot number of IUHIGH_VALUE: overload system temperature (-40 to100°C)LOW_VALUE: underload system temperature (-40 to100°C)no threshold temp Deletes the configured threshold of system/IU threshold temp iu NUMBERTo enable/disable the system/IU shut down due to over-temperature event that can leadto serious system problems, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptionthreshold power iuSLOT_NUMBER VALUEGlobalSets the over-temperature threshold value of interfaceunit.VALUE: temperature threshold for IU power-off (60 to90°C, default: 80°C)threshold power system VALUESets the over-temperature threshold value of chassissystem.VALUE: temperature threshold for system shut-down(80 to 120°C, default: 110°C)threshold power system { ena-ble | disable }Enables/disables the system shut down in the over-temperature threshold power iuSLOT_NUMBER Deletes the configured over-temperature thresholdvalue of IU/ threshold power systemTo display the configured threshold of system temperature, use the following command.