User Manual UMN:CLIV81024099.6.4.3 DHCP Relay Agent ConfigurationTo display the information of DHCP relay related configuration, use the following com-mand.Command Mode Descriptionshow ip dhcp relay EnableGlobal Shows DHCP relay configurations.9.6.5 DHCP OptionThis function enables administrators to define DHCP options that are carried in the DHCPcommunication between DHCP server and client or relay agent. The following indicatesthe format of the DHCP options field.Code Length ValueDHCP Option Format1 byte 1 byte or variable 64 bytesA code identifies each DHCP option. It can be expressed in value 0 to 255 by user con-figuration and some of them are predefined in the standards. (128 ~ 254 is site specific) Alength can be variable according to value or can be fixed. A value contains actual infor-mation such an IP address, string, or index, which is inserted into the DHCP packet.Administrators can configure a DHCP option format in DHCP Option mode, which is glob-ally used over the DHCP functions. The DHCP option format can be applied in otherDHCP software modules and the following figure indicates it.DHCP Option FormatDHCP Server OptionDHCP Snooping OptionDHCP Option82 Sub-option