UMN:CLI User ManualV8102194unl: unexpected MEG level errorno ethernet oam snmp-servertraps { rdi | loc | unp | unm |mmg | unl}Disables SNMP trap generation by a specific defectcondition.7.7.9 Ethernet Loopback (ETH-LB)Ethernet Loopback function supports fault verification through Loopback Messages (LBM)and Loopback Reply (LBR). These messages are used during initial set-up or after a faulthas been detected to verify that the fault has occurred between two end points. Y.1731 al-lows both unicast and multicast loopback.To configure unicast or multicast ETH-LB function, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptionethernet oam ping meg NAMEmepid <1-8191> multicast[timeout <1-1000> priority <0-7>]GlobalSends LBM frames with multicast ETH-LB information.1-8191: source MEP ID for LBMs to send1-1000: the waiting time for expected reception ofLBRs (default: 5 seconds)0-7: the priority of CCM or LTM messages (default:7)ethernet oam ping meg NAMEmepid <1-8191> unicast {rmepid<1-8191> | rmac MACADDR} [<1-6000> <100-60000> <1-1000> <0-7> <5-1480>]Sends LBM frames with uniicast ETH-LB information tothe configured remote MEP.1-8191: source/destination MEP ID for LBMs to sendMACADDR: MAC address of a remote MEG1-6000: the number of LBMs to be transmitted (de-fault:1)100-60000: interval for sending OAM PDUs (default:1000ms)1-1000: the waiting time for receiving the expectedresponse OAM PDUs (default: 5 seconds)0-7: the priority of CCM or LTM messages (default:7)5-1480: the length of data TLV (default:5)7.7.10 Ethernet Link Trace (ETH-LT)ETH-LT function is used to retrieve adjacency relationship between a MEP and a remoteMEP or MIP. And it is also used for fault localization. The V8102 sends LinkTrace Mes-sage (LTM) frames to discover a path for a link trace.To generate LTM frames, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptionethernet oam traceroute meg NAME mepid <1-8191> {rmepid <1-8191> | rmac MACADDR} [ttl<1-64> priority <0-7>] [use-fdb-only] GlobalSends LTM frames for a linktrace route.1-8191: source/destination MEP ID tosend LTMsMACADDR: destination MAC address tosend LTMs1-64: LTM’s TTL (default: 64)ethernet oam traceroute meg NAME mepid <1-8191> {rmepid <1-8191> | rmac MACADDR}use-fdb-only [ttl <1-64> priority <0-7>]