UMN:CLI User ManualV8102138apply Saves and applies the configured slowpath packet filterTo display the configured slowpath packet filter, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptionshow slowpath-filter [NAME] EnableGlobalSP-FilterShows the configured slowpath packet running-config slowpath-filterShows the running configuration for slowpath packetfilter.To clear the collected statistics counter of slowpath packet filter, use the following com-mand.Command Mode Descriptionclear slowpath-filter stats[NAME]GlobalSP-FilterResets the collected statistics counters of slowpathpacket filter. CPU StatisticsTo display the statistics of the traffic handled by CPU, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptionshow cpu statistics avg-pkt[{gigabitethernet | tengiga-bitethernet | gpon } IFPORTS]EnableGlobalShows the statistics of the traffic handled by CPU perpacket type.Show cpu statistics total [{giga-bitethernet | tengigabitethernet |gpon } IFPORTS]Shows the traffic statistics of the average packet han-dled by CPU.Show cpu counters [{giga-bitethernet | tengigabitethernet |gpon | channelgroup} IFPORTS |vlan VLAN]Shows the incoming traffic statistics to CPU accordingto protocol types.Show cpu counters avg [{giga-bitethernet | tengigabitethernet |gpon | channelgroup} IFPORTS |vlan VLAN]Shows the incoming traffic statistics average to CPUaccording to protocol types.To delete the collected statistics of the traffic handled by CPU, use the following com-mand.Command Mode Descriptionclear cpu statistics [{giga-bitethernet | tengigabitethernet |gpon } IFPORTS]Global Deletes the collected statistics of the traffic handled byCPU.