UMN:CLI User ManualV81023008.5 802.1x AuthenticationTo enhance security and portability of network management, there are two ways of au-thentication based on MAC address and port-based authentication which restrict clientsattempting to access to port.In a word, port-based authentication (802.1x) decides to give access to a RADIUS serverhaving the information about user who tries to access.802.1x authentication adopts EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol) structure. In EAPsystem, there are EAP-MD5 (Message Digest 5), EAP-TLS (Transport Level Security),EAP-SRP (Secure Remote Password), EAP-TTLS (Tunneled TLS) and the V8102 sup-ports EAP-MD5 and EAP-TLS. Accessing with user’s ID and password, EAP-MD5 is 1-way Authentication based on the password. EAP-TLS accesses through the mutual au-thentication system of server authentication and personal authentication and it is possibleto guarantee high security because of mutual authentication system.At a request of user Authentication, from user’s PC EAPOL-Start type of packets aretransmitted to authenticator and authenticator again requests identification. After gettingrespond about identification, request to approve access to RADIUS server and be au-thenticated by checking access through user’s information.The following figure explains the process of 802.1x authentication.Fig. 8.2 Process of 802.1x Authentication