UMN:CLI User ManualV8102706in routing updates. Most routing protocols have metric structures and algorithms that arenot compatible with other protocols. In a network with multiple routing protocols, the ex-change of route information and the capability to select the best path across the multipleprotocols are critical. Administrator should set the distance value based on whole routingnetworks.To configure the administrative distance value, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptiondistance <1-255> [A.B.C.D/M[ACCESS-LIST]] RouterSets the administrative distance value for routes.1-255: distance valueA.B.C.D/M: IP source prefixACCESS-LIST: access list nameno distance <1-255> [A.B.C.D/M[ACCESS-LIST]] Deletes the administrative distance value.12.4.8 Originating Default InformationYou can set an autonomous system boundary router to generate and transmit a defaultroute into an RIP routing domain. If you specifically set to generate a default routes intoan RIP network, this router becomes an autonomous system (AS) boundary router. How-ever, an AS boundary router does not generate a default route automatically into the RIPnetwork.To generate a default route into RIP by the AS boundary router, use the following com-mand on Router Configuration mode.Command Mode Descriptiondefault-information originate RouterGenerates a default route into RIP by the AS default-information originate Disables a default route feature.12.4.9 Routing Information FilteringYou can limit the routing protocol information by performing the following tasks.• Block the transmission of routing information to a particular interface. This is toprevent other systems on an interface from learning about routes dynamically.• Provides a local mechanism for increasing the value of routing metrics. Filtering Access List and Prefix ListThe V8102 switch is able to permit and deny conditions that you can use to filter inboundor outbound routes by access-list or prefix-list. Use the distribute-list command to applythe access list to routes received from or forwarded to a neighbor.User should configure the route information for a set of deny conditions based on match-ing each access list or prefix list. In addition, this configuration is able to be applied on thespecific interface as well as the whole routes information of switch.To block the route information based on matching access list or prefix list, use the follow-ing command.