UMN:CLI User ManualV810268012.3.1 Enabling OSPFv3To use OSPFv3 routing protocol, it must be activated as other routing protocols. After ac-tivation, configures network address and ID which is operated by OSPFv3. The followingcommand shows steps of activating OSPFv3.Step1Open Router Configuration mode and create an OSPFv3 routing instance.Command Mode Descriptionrouter ipv6 ospf [WORD]GlobalOpens Router Configuration mode with enablingOSPFv3.WORD: OSPFv3 process tagrouter ipv6 vrf ospf WORDEnables IPv6 VRF routing process and opens IPv6OSPF.WORD: VRF name to asscocicate with this instanceno router ipv6 ospf [WORD] Disables OSPFv3 routing protocol.In case that more than two OSPFv3 processes are operated, a process number shouldbe assigned. Normally, there is one OSPFv3 which is operating in one router.If OSPFv3 routing protocol is disabled, all related configuration will be lost.Step2Configure a network ID of OSPFv3. The network ID decides IPv4 address of this network.Command Mode Descriptionrouter-id A.B.C.D Router Assigns a router ID for the OSPFv3 routing router-id Deletes a configured router ID.In case if using router-id command to apply new router ID on OSPFv3 process, OSPFv3process must be restarted to apply. Use the clear ipv6 ospf [WORD] process commandto restart OSPFv3 process.Command Mode Descriptionclear ipv6 ospf [WORD] processEnableGlobalIPv6 OSPFRestarts the OSPFv3 routing process.Step 3Use the ipv6 router ospf command to specify a network to operate with OSPFv3. Thevariable option after area must be IP address or OSPFv3 area ID.When OSPFv3 receives a packet, it checks if the instance ID in the packet matches theinstance ID of the receiving interface.ii