User Manual UMN:CLIV8102353no policy admin NAME Global Deletes specified admin policy admin all Deletes all admin policies.After opening Admin-Policy Configuration mode, an admin policy can be configured byuser. You can specify the rule action for the classified packets in each admin-policy.• The admin-policy name must be unique. Its size is limited to 32 significant characters.• The admin- policy name cannot start with the alphabet “a” or “A”.• The order in which the following configuration commands are entered is arbitrary.• The configuration of an admin policy being configured can be changed as often aswanted until the apply command is entered.• Use the show policy-profile admin command to display the configuration enteredup to now.If you create the admin policy already, you need to include specified flow or class to spec-ify the rule action for the packets matching configured classifying patterns on flow or class.To include specific flow or class in an admin policy, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptioninclude-flow NAME Admin-PolicyIncludes an admin flow in a specified policy.NAME:admin-flow nameinclude-class NAME Includes an admin class in a specified policy.NAME:admin-class nameOne admin policy cannot include both flow and class at the same time. Either admin flowor admin class can belong to one policy.To remove flow or class from the policy, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptionno include-flow Admin-PolicyRemoves the admin flow from this include-class Removes the admin class from this policy. Admin Policy PriorityIf rules that are more than two match the same packet then the rule having a higher priori-ty will be processed first. To set a priority for an admin access rule, use the followingcommand.Command Mode Descriptionpriority {highest | high | medium|low}Admin-PolicySets a priority for an admin policy.(default: low) Admin Policy ActionTo specify the rule action (action match) for the packets matching configured classifyingpatterns, use the following command.!i