UMN:CLI User ManualV8102844To configure the filtering for single-tagged frames, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptionfilter inner vid {any | <0-4094>}cos {any | <0-7>} tpid {any |0x8100 | input [dei {0 | 1}]}Single-Tagged-FrameConfigures the received single-tagged frames to befiltered by the provided values concerning inner tag.vid any: do not filter on the inner VID.vid 0-4094: filters received frames on this value.cos any: do not filter on the inner priority.cos 0-7: filters received frames on this value.tpid any: do not filter on the inner TPID field.tpid 0x8100: filters received frames on this value.tpid input: input TPID attribute value, don't care aboutDE bit.tpid input dei 0: input TPID, DE=0tpid input dei 1: input TPID, DE=1no filter inner Deletes the filtering configuration above.To configure the treatment of filtered single-tagged frames, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptiontreat {remove {single | double} |discard-frame}Single-Tagged-FrameConfigures the treatment of filtered single-taggedframes.remove single: removes one tag (the outer tag isstripped from double-tagged frames.)remove double: removes all of outer and inner tags.discard-frame: drops the frames.treat inner vid {<0-4094> | copy-inner } cos {<0-7> | copy-inner |dscp-to-pbit} tpid {output dei {0 |1 | copy-inner } | copy-inner |0x8100}Configures the inner tag treatment for filtered single-tagged frames.0-4094: uses this value as the VID in the inner VLANtag.copy-inner: copies value from inner tag of receivedframe.0-7: uses this value as the priority in the inner VLANtag.treat outer vid {<0-4094> | copy-inner } cos {<0-7> | copy-inner |dscp-to-pbit} tpid {output dei {0 |1 | copy-inner } | copy-inner |0x8100}Configures the outer tag treatment for filtered single-tagged treat {remove-discard | outer| inner} Deletes the treatment-related configuration above.