User Manual UMN:CLIV8102591Command Mode Descriptionshow running-config ipv6 prefix-listEnableGlobal Shows the running configuration for prefix-list.To delete the entries in the prefix list, use the following command.Command Mode Descriptionno ipv6 prefix-list WORDGlobalDeletes the entries of the prefix list.WORD: name of IPv6 prefix listdeny: denies access of packet if conditionsare matched.permit: permits access of packet if conditionsare matched.X:X::X:X/M: IPv6 prefix to be matched (e.g.3ffe::/16 )any: any IPv6 prefix to match. (same as “::0/0le 128”)ge: minimum prefix length to be matchedle: maximum prefix length to be matched0-128: minimum/maximum prefix lengthno ipv6 prefix-list WORD {deny | per-mit} X:X::X:X/M ge <0-128> [le <0-128>]no ipv6 prefix-list WORD {deny | per-mit} X:X::X:X/M le <0-128> [ge <0-128>]no ipv6 prefix-list WORD {deny | per-mit} { X:X::X:X/M | any}no ipv6 prefix-list WORD description[LINE] Creating prefix list policySequence numbers are automatically generated by default. To configure the sequencenumbers manually, you can use the seq <1-4294967295> argument of the ipv6 prefix-list command.To add policy to prefix list one by one and assign a sequence number to the policy, usethe following command.Command Mode Descriptionipv6 prefix-list WORD seq <1-4294967295> {deny | permit}{ X:X::X:X/M | any}GlobalCreates an entry in an IPv6 prefix list and assigns asequence number to the entry.WORD: name of IPv6 prefix list1-4294967295: sequence number of an entrydeny: denies access of packet if conditions arematched.permit: permits access of packet if conditions arematched.X:X::X:X/M: IPv6 prefix to be matched (e.g. 3ffe::/16)any: any IPv6 prefix to match. (same as “::0/0 le128”)ge: minimum prefix length to be matchedle: maximum prefix length to be matched0-128: minimum/maximum prefix lengthipv6 prefix-list WORD seq <1-4294967295> {deny | permit}X:X::X:X/M ge <0-128> [le <0-128>]ipv6 prefix-list WORD seq <1-4294967295> {deny | permit}X:X::X:X/M le <0-128> [ge <0-128>]You can input ge and le optionally, and they are used when you configure more than one