5-135 SENDING DOCUMENTSSequential broadcastingSending a document to more than one location ___Sequential broadcasting sends one document to more than one location.You can send to a total of 60 locations as follows:• One-touch speed dialling = 9 locations• Coded speed dialling = 50 locations• Regular dialling (Numeric buttons dialling) = 1 locationYou can enter the one-touch speed dialling and coded speed dialling locations in any order. You simplypress the one-touch speed dialling button, or press [Coded Dial/Directory] followed by the two-digit code.You can also include one location using regular dialling. Remember that when using regular dialling, youmust press [Start/Copy] after entering the number.NoteYou must press each button within 10 seconds of the preceding one. The fax begins the operationapproximately 10 seconds after you press the last button.1 Load the document face up into the document tray.See Loading documents, p. 3-2.You can set the scanning resolution and contrast (see p. 5-1).2 Dial the receiving party’s fax numbers as you need.You can also press [Redial/Pause] to redial the last numberdialled with the numeric buttons.3 Press [Start/Copy].• The fax reads the document into memory and beginssending.• To cancel a transmission, press [Stop] during dialling ortransmission. All transmissions in the sequence arecancelled.TEL= 34567890