6 RECEIVING DOCUMENTS66-1RECEIVINGDOCUMENTSDifferent ways to receive a documentYour fax provides you with several modes for receiving documents. To determine which mode best suitsyour requirements, see the table below.Receive Mode Main Use Operation Requirements DetailsFAX ONLY MODE Fax Answers all calls as fax calls.Receives documentsautomatically anddisconnects voice calls.Separate telephoneline for fax use only.If you want to bealerted when a fax callis received, connectthe handset, or anextension phone to thefax, and enable theINCOMING RINGsetting.p. 8-4FAX/TEL AUTO SW(Fax/Tel mode)Fax/Tel Automatically switchesbetween fax and voice calls.Receives documentsautomatically and rings forvoice calls.Handset or extensionphone connected tothe fax.p. 6-2MANUAL MODE Tel Rings for every call,regardless of whether the callis a fax call or a voice call.For a fax call, you have tomanually activate receptionof the fax.Handset or extensionphone connected tothe fax.p. 6-4ANS.MACHINEMODE(FAX-B120/B115 only)Fax/Tel Receives documentsautomatically and routesvoice calls to the answeringmachine.Answering machineconnected to the fax.p. 6-4NET SWITCH* Fax/Tel Allows you to have onetelephone line with twonumbers: one for fax and onefor telephone.Subscription to theTelstra FaxStreamTMDuet service(Australia) or theTelecom FaxAbilityservice (NewZealand).* This setting is only available for some countries.