1-6 Phaser 3635MFPSCP 5, SCP 6Draft 4Service Call ProceduresHFSIThe High Frequency Service Items are shown in Table 2. To change HFSI settings, refer to GP16 High Frequency Service Items.SCP 6 Final ActionsFinal Actions are used to evaluate the total operation of the system and to identify the actionsrequired to complete the service call.ProcedureComplete the following, if a fault is identified, return to SCP 4 Fault Analysis:• Perform the end of call subsystem maintenance actions, SCP 5 Subsystem Maintenance.• Exercise the machine in all modes, making copies and/or prints from all trays, utilizing theDADF and the document glass. If a fault message is displayed or some other problem isevident, go to SCP 4 Fault Analysis.• Make a proof copy or print of a customer document.• If any of the customers selections were changed, return them to the customers preferredsettings. Refer to GP 4 System Administration Tools.• Mark off any hardware/software options and modifications installed and/or enabled on theTag matrix card.• At the first service and at any subsequent service where changes are made or options areadded, print the configuration report and store it with machine log book. Discard any pre-vious versions of the configuration report.• Remove and destroy any copies of test patterns.• Complete the machine service log book.• Ensure the machine and service area are clean before leaving the customer premises.• Provide customer training if required.Table 2 High frequency service itemsItem Component DescriptionTherecommendedlife for newcomponentinstallationParts listreferencePrint Car-tridge LifePagePrint cartridge The total sides of copiesand prints after the lastHFSI reset.10k impressions PL 9.10 Item 1Tray 1 PickupRollTray 1 pickuproll assemblyAll sheets fed from tray 1after last HFSI reset.150k feeds PL 10.22 Item 14Tray 2 PickupRollTray 2 pickuproll assemblyAll sheets fed from tray 2after last HFSI reset.150k feeds PL 8.17 Item 31BypassPickup RollBypass trayretard padAll sheets fed from thebypass tray after lastHFSI reset.150k feeds PL 7.10 Item 27Transfer Roll Transfer roll The total sides of copiesand prints after the lastHFSI reset.100k impres-sionsPL 9.10 Item 2Fuser Unit Fuser assem-blyThe total sides of copiesand prints after the lastHFSI reset.100k impres-sionsPL 10.10 Item 1