E6581611K-3711 Table of output terminal functions 4FunctionNo. Code Function Action Reference144 PIDF Signal in accordance of frequency command ON: Frequency commanded by and arewithin ±.OFF: Other than those above6.24145 PIDFN Inversion of signal in accordance offrequency commandInversion of PIDF146 FLR Fault signal (output also at a retry waiting) ON: While inverter is tripped or retriedOFF: While inverter is not tripped and not retried6.19.3147 FLRN Inversion of fault signal (output also at aretry waiting)Inversion of FLR 150 PTCA PTC input alarm signal ON: PTC thermal input value is f646 or moreOFF: PTC thermal input value is less than f6466.29.16151 PTCAN Inversion of PTC input alarm signal Inversion of PTCA152, 153 Factory specific coefficient - *1154 DISK Analog input break detection alarm ON: VIB terminal input value is f633 or lessOFF: VIB terminal input value is more than f6336.29.14155 DISKN Inversion of analog input break detectionalarmInversion of DISK156 LI1 F terminal status ON: F terminal is ON statusOFF: F terminal is OFF status7.2.2157 LI1N Inversion of F terminal status Inversion of LI1158 LI2 R terminal status ON: R terminal is ON statusOFF: R terminal is OFF status159 LI2N Inversion of R terminal status Inversion of LI2160 LTAF Cooling fan replacement alarm ON: Cooling fan reaches parts replacement timeOFF: Cooling fan does not reach parts replacement time6.29.15161 LTAFN Inversion of cooling fan replacement alarm Inversion of LTAF162 NSA Number of starting alarm ON: Number of starting alarm is f648 or moreOFF: Number of starting alarm is less than f6486.29.17163 NSAN Inversion of number of starting alarm Inversion of NSA 166 DACC Acceleration operation in progress ON: Acceleration operation in progressOFF: Other than those above7.2.2167 DACCN Inversion of acceleration operation inprogressInversion of DACC168 DDEC Deceleration operation in progress ON: Deceleration operation in progressOFF: Other than those above169 DDECN Inversion of deceleration operation inprogressInversion of DDEC170 DRUN Constant speed operation in progress ON: Constant speed operation in progressOFF: Other than those above171 DRUNN Inversion of constant speed operation inprogressInversion of DRUN172 DDC DC braking in progress ON: DC braking in progressOFF: Other than those above6.12.1173 DDCN Inversion of DC braking in progress Inversion of DDC174 to 179 Factory specific coefficient - *1180 IPU Integral input power pulse output signal ON: Integral input power unit reachOFF: Other than those above6.33.1182 SMPA Shock monitoring pre-alarm signal ON: Current / torque value reach the shock monitoringdetection conditionOFF: Other than those above6.28183 SMPAN Inversion of shock monitoring pre-alarmsignalInversion of SMPA222 to 253 Factory specific coefficient - *1254 AOFF Always OFF Always OFF 7.2.2255 AON Always ON Always ON*1: Factory specific coefficient parameters are manufacturer setting parameters. Do not change the value of these parameters.Note 1: As function No. that are not described in the table above are assigned "No function", output signal is always “OFF” ateven number, output signal is always “ON” at odd number.