E6581611F-8566.25 Setting motor constants6.25.1 Setting motor constants for induction motorsf400 : Auto-tuning f416 : Motor no-load currentf401 : Slip frequency gain f417 : Motor rated speedf402 : Automatic torque boost value f459 : Load inertia moment ratiof405 : Motor rated capacity f462 : Speed reference filterf415 : Motor rated current coefficientTo use vector control, automatic torque boost and automatic energy saving, motor constant setting (motor tuning)is required. The following three methods are available to set motor constants.1) Using the torque boost setting macro function (au2) for setting the V/F control mode selection (pt) andauto-tuning (f400=2) collectively2) Setting V/F control mode selection (pt) and auto-tuning (f400) independently3) Combining the V/F control mode selection (pt) and manual tuningCaution:If the settings for V/F control mode selections pt are 2: automatic torque boost control, 3: vector control,4: energy-saving, and 5: Dynamic energy-saving, make sure to confirm the motor's name plate and set thefollowing parameters;vl: Base frequency 1 (rated frequency)vlv: Base frequency voltage 1 (rated voltage)f405: Motor rated capacityf415: Motor rated currentf417: Motor rated speedSet the other motor constants as necessary.[Selection 1: Setting by parameter setting macro torque boost]This is the easiest among the available methods. It conducts vector control and auto-tuning at the same time.Be sure to set the motor for vl, vlv, f405, f415, f417 .Set au2 to 1 (Automatic torque boost + auto-tuning)Set au2 to 2 (Vector control + auto-tuning)Set au2 to 3 (Energy-saving + auto-tuning)Refer to section 6.1 for details of the setting method.