E6581611K-1411 Torque boost parameters 1Title CommunicationNo. Function UnitMinimumsetting unitPanel/CommunicationAdjustment range DefaultsettingUsersetting Reference0: Auto-tuning disabled1: Initialization of (afterexecution : 0)2: Auto-tuning executed(after execution: 0)3: -4: Motor constant auto calculation(after execution: 0) 0400 Auto-tuning - -5: 4+2 (after execution: 0)0 6.25 0401 Slip frequencygain% 1/1 0-250 70 0402 Automatic torqueboost value% 0.1/0.1 0.1-30.0 * 2 0405 Motor ratedcapacitykW 0.01/0.01 0.01-22.00 * 2 0412 Motor specificcoefficient 1- - - - * 4 0415 Motor ratedcurrentA 0.1/0.1 0.1-100.0 * 2 6.25 0416 Motor no-loadcurrent% 1/1 10-90 * 2 0417 Motor ratedspeedmin-1 1/1 100-64000 *1 0441 Power runningtorque limit 1 level% 1/0.01 0-249%,250:Disabled250 6.26.1 0443 Regenerativebraking torquelimit 1 level% 1/0.01 0-249%,250:Disabled250 0444 Power runningtorque limit 2 level% 1/0.01 0-249%,250:Disabled250 0445 Regenerativebraking torquelimit 2 level% 1/0.01 0-249%,250:Disabled250 0451 Acceleration/deceleration operationafter torque limit- 1/1 0: In sync with acceleration /deceleration1: In sync with min. time0 6.26.2 0452 Power runningstall continuoustrip detection times 0.01/0.01 0.00-10.00 0.00 6.26.3 0454 Constant outputzone torque limitselection- - 0:Constant output limit1:Constant torque limit0 6.26.1 0458 Motor specificcoefficient 2- - - - * 4 0459 Load inertiamoment ratioTimes 0.1/0.1 0.1-100.0 1.0 6.25 0460 Motor specificcoefficient 3- - - - * 4 0461 Motor specificcoefficient 4- - - - 0462 Speed referencefilter coefficient- - 0-100 35 6.25 0467 Motor specificcoefficient 5- - - - * 4*1: Default setting values vary depending on the setup menu setting. Refer to section 11.5.*2: Default setting values vary depending on the capacity. Refer to section 11.4.*4: Motor specific coefficient parameters are manufacturer setting parameters. Do not change the value of these parameters.