E6581611K-3511 Table of output terminal functions 2FunctionNo. Code Function Action Reference30 POLR Braking resistor overload pre-alarm ON: 50% or more of calculated value of setoverload protection levelOFF: Less than 50% of calculated value of setoverload protection level6.19.431 POLRN Inversion of braking resistor overload pre-alarmInversion of POLR40 RUN Run/stop ON: While operation frequency is output or DC braking is inoperation ()OFF: Operation stopped7.2.241 RUNN Inversion of run/stop Inversion of RUN42 HFL Serious failure ON: At trip *2OFF: Other than those trip above43 HFLN Inversion of serious failure Inversion of HFL44 LFL Light failure ON: At trip (~, ~, , ~, )OFF: Other than those trip above45 LFLN Inversion of light failure Inversion of LFL50 FAN Cooling fan ON/OFF ON: Cooling fan is in operationOFF: Cooling fan is off operation6.29.1151 FANN Inversion of cooling fan ON/OFF Inversion of FAN52 JOG In jogging operation ON: In jogging operationOFF: Other than jogging operation6.1453 JOGN Inversion of in jogging operation Inversion of JOG54 JBM Operation panel / terminal block operation ON: At terminal block operation commandOFF: Other than those operation above6.2.155 JBMN Inversion of operation panel/terminal blockoperationInversion of JBM56 COT Cumulative operation time alarm ON: Cumulative operation time is or moreOFF: The cumulative operation time is less than 6.29.1257 COTN Inversion of cumulative operation time alarm Inversion of COT58 COMOP Communication option communication error ON: Communication error of communication option occursOFF: Other than those above6.3859 COMOPN Inversion of communication optioncommunication errorInversion of COMOP60 FR Forward/reverse run ON: Reverse runOFF: Forward run(Operation command state is output while motor operation isstopped. No command is to OFF.)7.2.261 FRN Inversion of forward/reverse run Inversion of FR62 RDY1 Ready for operation 1 ON: Ready for operation (with ST / RUN)OFF: Other than those above63 RDY1N Inversion of ready for operation 1 Inversion of RDY164 RDY2 Ready for operation 2 ON: Ready for operation (without ST / RUN)OFF: Other than those above65 RDY2N Inversion of ready for operation 2 Inversion of RDY268 BR Brake release ON: Brake exciting signalOFF: Brake releasing signal6.2269 BRN Inversion of brake release Inversion of BR70 PAL Pre-alarm ON: One of the following is turned onON POL, POHR, POT, MOFF, UC, OT, LL stop, COT,and momentary power failure deceleration stop.Or , , , issues an alarmOFF: Other than those above7.2.271 PALN Inversion of pre-alarm Inversion of PAL78 COME RS485 communication error ON: Communication error occurredOFF: Communication works6.3879 COMEN Inversion of RS485 communication error Inversion of COME*2: At trip , , , , , , , , , , ~, ~, , ,, ~, , , , , ~, , , , , .