E6581611K-2311Title CommunicationNo. Function UnitMinimumsetting unitPanel/CommunicationAdjustment range DefaultsettingUsersetting Reference 0729 Operation paneloverridemultiplication gain% 1/1 -100-+100 0 6.31 0730 Panel frequencysetting prohibition()- - 0: Permitted1: Prohibited0 6.34.1 0731 Disconnectiondetection ofextension panel- - 0: Permitted1: Prohibited0 0732 Local/remote keyprohibition ofextension panel- - 0: Permitted1: Prohibited1 6.166. 34.1 0733 Panel operationprohibition(RUN key)- - 0: Permitted1: Prohibited0 0734 Panel emergencystop operationprohibition- - 0: Permitted1: Prohibited0 0735 Panel resetoperationprohibition- - 0: Permitted1: Prohibited0 0736 / change prohibitionduring operation- - 0: Permitted1: Prohibited16. 34.1 0737 All key operationprohibition- - 0: Permitted1: Prohibited0 0738 Password setting()- - 0: Password unset1-99989999: Password set0 0739 Passwordverification- - 0: Password unset1-99989999: Password set0 0740 Trace selection - - 0: Disabled1: At tripping2: At triggering3: 1+21 6.35 0741 Trace cycle - - 0: 4ms1: 20ms2: 100ms3: 1s4: 10s2 0742 Trace data 1 - - 0 0743 Trace data 2 - - 1 0744 Trace data 3 - - 2 0745 Trace data 4 - -0-423 0746 Status monitorfilterms 1/1 8-1000 200 6.34.7 0748 Integratingwattmeterretention selection- - 0: Disabled1: Enabled0 6.36 0749 Integratingwattmeter displayunit selection- - 0:1=1kWh1:1=10kWh2:1=100kWh3:1=1000kWh4:1=10000kWh*2*2: Default setting values vary depending on the capacity. Refer to section 11.4.