E6581611K-2511Title CommunicationNo. Function UnitMinimumsetting unitPanel/CommunicationAdjustment range DefaultsettingUsersetting Reference 0778 Easy setting modeparameter 28- - 999 4.56.37 0779 Easy setting modeparameter 29- - 999 0780 Easy setting modeparameter 30- - 999 0781 Easy setting modeparameter 31- - 701(F701) 0782 Easy setting modeparameter 32- -0-2999(Set by communication number)50(PSEL) 0790 Panel displayselection at poweron- - 0: hello1: f791 to f7942, 3: -0 6.34.10 0791 1st and 2ndcharacters off790hex - 0-FFFF 2d2d 0792 3rd and 4thcharacters off790hex - 0-FFFF 2d2d 0793 5th and 6thcharacters off790hex - 0-FFFF 2d2d 0794 7th and 8thcharacters off790hex - 0-FFFF 2d2d 0799 Factory specificcoefficient 7A- - - - *3*3: Factory specific coefficient parameters are manufacturer setting parameters. Do not change the value of these parameters. Communication parametersTitle CommunicationNo. Function UnitMinimumsetting unitPanel/CommunicationAdjustment range DefaultsettingUsersetting Reference 0800 Baud rate - - 3: 9600bps4: 19200bps5: 38400bps4 0801 Parity - - 0: No parity1: Even parity2: Odd parity1 0802 Inverter number - 1/1 0-247 0 0803 Communicationtime-out times 0.1/0.1 0.0: Disabled,0.1- 0804 Communicationtime-out action- - 0: Alarm only1: Trip (Coast stop)2: Trip (Deceleration stop)0 0805 Communicationwaiting times 0.01/0.01 0.00-2.00 0.00 0806 Setting of masterand slave forcommunicationbetween inverters- - 0: Slave (0 Hz command issued incase the master inverter fails)1: Slave (Operation continued in casethe master inverter fails)2: Slave (Emergency stop tripping incase the master inverter fails)3: Master (transmission of frequencycommands)4: Master (transmission of outputfrequency signals)0 0808 Communicationtime-out detectioncondition- - 0: Valid at any time1: Communication selection offmod or cmod2: 1 + during operation1