S3F84B8_UM_REV 1.00 12 TIMER 012-512.2 TWO 8-BIT TIMERS MODE (TIMER C AND D)12.2.1 OVERVIEW OF TWO 8-BIT TIMERS MODE (TIMER C AND D)Timers C and D are 8-bit general-purpose timers. Timer C works in the interval timer mode, while Timer D worksin the interval timer and PWM modes by using the appropriate TCCON and TDCON setting, respectively.Timers C and D have the following functional components: Prescaler for Timer C clock frequency programmable from fx to fx/4096Prescaler for Timer D clock frequency programmable from fx to fx/4096 8-bit counter (TCCNT and TDCNT), 8-bit comparator, and 8-bit reference data register (TCDATA andTDDATA) Timer C match interrupt generation Timer C control register, TCCON (E5H, bank1, read/write) Timer D has an I/O pin for match and PWM output (P2.0, TDOUT) Timer D overflow interrupt generation Timer D match interrupt generation Timer D control register, TDCON (E9H, bank1, read/write)12.2.2 TIMER C AND D CONTROL REGISTER (TCCON, TDCON)You can use the Timers C and D control registers, TCCON and TDCON, for the following purposes: Enable the Timer C (interval timer mode) and Timer D operation (interval timer mode and PWM mode). Select the Timer C clock source. Clear the Timers C and D counter, TCCNT and TDCNT. Enable the Timers C and D interrupt. Clear the Timers C and D interrupt pending conditions.You can use Timer C prescaler register, TCPS, for the following purposes: Select the clock source. Comparator 0’s output can be configured to the clock source of Timer C. Select the clock prescaler. You can use Timer D prescaler register, TDPS, for the following purpose: Program clock prescaler