S3F84B8_UM_REV 1.00 6 INSTRUCTION SET6-616.3.48 OR — LOGICAL OROR dst,srcOperation: dst dst OR srcThe source operand is logically ORed with the destination operand, and the result is stored indestination. The contents of source remain unaffected. The OR operation results in a “1” beingstored whenever either of the corresponding bits in two operands is a “1”; otherwise a “0” isstored.Flags: C: Unaffected.Z: Set if the result is “0”; cleared otherwise.S: Set if the result bit 7 is set; cleared otherwise.V: Always cleared to “0”.D: Unaffected.H: Unaffected.Format:Bytes Cycles Opcode(Hex)Addr Modedst srcopc dst | src 2 4 42 r r6 43 r lropc src dst 3 6 44 R R6 45 R IRopc dst src 3 6 46 R IMExamples: Given R0 = 15H, R1 = 2AH, R2 = 01H, register 00H = 08H, register 01H = 37H, and register 08H= 8AH:OR R0,R1 R0 = 3FH, R1 = 2AHOR R0,@R2 R0 = 37H, R2 = 01H, register 01H = 37HOR 00H,01H Register 00H = 3FH, register 01H = 37HOR 01H,@00H Register 00H = 08H, register 01H = 0BFHOR 00H,#02H Register 00H = 0AHIn the first example, if working register R0 contains the value 15H and register R1 contains thevalue 2AH, the statement “OR R0,R1” logical-ORs the R0 and R1 register contents and storesthe result (3FH) in destination register R0.Other examples show the use of logical OR instruction with the various addressing modes andformats.