S3F84B8_UM_REV 1.00 6 INSTRUCTION SET6-3Mnemonic Operands InstructionCOM dst ComplementOR dst,src Logical ORXOR dst,src Logical exclusive ORProgram Control InstructionsBTJRF dst,src Bit test and jump relative on falseBTJRT dst,src Bit test and jump relative on trueCALL dst Call procedureCPIJE dst,src Compare, increment and jump on equalCPIJNE dst,src Compare, increment and jump on non-equalDJNZ r,dst Decrement register and jump on non-zeroENTER EnterEXIT ExitIRET Interrupt returnJP cc,dst Jump on condition codeJP dst Jump unconditionalJR cc,dst Jump relative on condition codeNEXT NextRET ReturnWFI Wait for interruptBit Manipulation InstructionsBAND dst,src Bit ANDBCP dst,src Bit compareBITC dst Bit complementBITR dst Bit resetBITS dst Bit setBOR dst,src Bit ORBXOR dst,src Bit XORTCM dst,src Test complement under maskTM dst,src Test under maskRotate and Shift InstructionsRL dst Rotate leftRLC dst Rotate left through carryRR dst Rotate rightRRC dst Rotate right through carrySRA dst Shift right arithmeticSWAP dst Swap nibblesCPU Control Instructions