Galaxy Flex Installer Manual Summer [43, Quick Menu 8]59Batch End [42.2.5]Use this option to determine the user number at which enrolment ends.Batch DCM Rdr [42.2.6]Use this option to select the DCM reader for enrolment. Press # to return to the defaultsetting which is any reader.Template User [42.2.7]Use this option to turn a user’s access authority and non-unique attributes into a template.Summer [43, Quick Menu 8]European Daylight Savings Time (DST) is used, and is described as follows:On the first day of each year, British Summer Time (BST) start date is set as the last Sundayin March, and the end date is set as the last Sunday in October.The operation of the Summer option is as follows: at 01:00 hours (GMT) on the start date,the system clock advances to 02:00 hours (DST); at 02:00 hours (DST) on the end date, thesystem clock goes back to 01:00 hours (GMT).Note: The time always changes with reference to GMT. For example, Italy, which is +1hour would be:Last Sunday in March: 02.00 to 03.00Last Sunday in October: 03.00 to 02.00The start and end dates can be reprogrammed by authorized user codes. Press A to modifythe start date, or press the B key to modify the end date.The new date must be a valid four-digit number, in the day/month (dd/mm) format.Trace [44]This option records: the most recent alarm activation. details of system setting and unsetting immediately before and after the alarmactivation. the first five events occurring during the alarm activation.This information is maintained in the trace until the next alarm activation.Press # while viewing the Trace option to display additional information about certainevents. User events reveal the keypad, user level and current group; alarm events reveal thezone descriptor if programmed.To print the currently displayed trace, press . To abort the printout, press esc.Note: A printer must be connected to the panel via a printer interface module.