Cancel and reset alarms and alerts Galaxy Flex Installer Manual34Cancel and reset alarms and alertsFollowing an alarm in the set state, sounders and strobes are activated. When a fault occursin the unset state, the keypad emits an intermittent beep and/or displays a visual alert.To cancel an alarm and reset the system: Do one of the following: Type any valid user code (type 2 and above) assigned to the group that hasalarmed. Present a valid proximity card to a reader.Alarm sounders, bells and strobe outputs are silenced and the keypad displays informationon the zones or faults that have been activated. On entry of a valid PIN the alarm and tamperindications are displayed with equal priority in order of occurrence followed by faults. Onthe keypad, use A or B to scroll through multiple activations.If the user code entered is not a high enough level to reset the system, the keypad displaysthe message CALL MANAGER RESET REQUIRED or CALL ENGINEER RESETREQUIRED if Banner Alerts [51.63] is enabled, depending on the type of alarm and levelof reset required.To reset the panel: Enter a valid user code assigned to the group that has alarmed.Reset levels can be programmed using: System [51.6]; Tamper Reset [51.7]; PA Reset[51.22]; Reset Levels [51.65].Note: If a tamper alarm has activated (zone or module) the system cannot be reset until thetamper condition is restored.The next time you attempt to set the system, if any of the zones that were opened during theprevious alarm have not closed since the alarm activation, the system is prevented fromsetting. The addresses of the open zones are displayed on the keypad, and there is nowarning sound. Closing the zones permits the setting procedure to start.Note: This is not the same as open zones being indicated on the keypad. These areaccompanied by rapid tones on the entry/exit horn.Note: Fire alarms can not be reset with a proximity tagEvent recordingDuring any given set period, there is no limit to the number of signals sent from individualactivations. However, no more than three events from any single source are recorded in theevent log.Reset using alarm cause codeAn alarm cause code must be entered to reset the system when option 51.72 is enabled.If there are multiple alarm causes and/or multiple groups require to be reset, then the alarmcause code only has to be entered once. The user enters the most appropriate code as