Soak [55] Galaxy Flex Installer Manual118Soak [55]Use the Soak option to test selected zones for a period ranging from 1 to 14 days. Programthe Soak Time [51.16] before starting a soak test.Zones that activate on soak test do not cause alarms but are recorded in the event log and arereported to type 2 (and above) users when the system is unset. At the end of the soak testperiod, zones revert to normal operation.The Soak Time is reset to the full number of days if there is an alarm activation on any ofthe selected zones.The Soak Time starts when the first zone is put onto soak test. Subsequent additions are onlytested for the period remaining in the Soak Time.Activation of an Exit or Video Exit zone during the Entry Time does not reset the soak testand period.To program Soak Zones:When you select the Soak option, the address and function of the first zone on the system isdisplayed.1. Use A or B to select a zone, or enter the zone address directly, and then press #. ONTEST is displayed on the keypad.2. Repeat step 1. to add more zones to the test.3. Once all the zones have been selected, press esc. The keypad briefly displays thenumber of days remaining in the test.